[CFP] ACM IUI2018 Workshop on Web Intelligence and Interaction (WII 2018)


*** Final program is available: https://www.sigwi2.org/wii2018-program ***


ACM IUI2018 Workshop
Web Intelligence and Interaction (WII 2018)
March 11, 2018
Tokyo, Japan
Conference URL: http://iui.acm.org/2018/

Various contents and services have emerged on the Web. User behaviors on the Web have diversified for being adapted the ramification; one of the important resources, such as social big data, are stemmed from the behaviors. Therefore, we need to pay attention to interaction among users, information, and systems in order to find fruitful ways for the Web use. Introducing various intelligent technologies such as recommendation and natural language processing is also another key aspect for tackling the ever-growing Web, with integrating with interactive technologies.
This workshop aims to bring together researchers to present and exchange ideas, results, and experiences in the field of Web intelligence, especially focusing on its interactive aspect. Not limited to technical topics, but we also welcome the report of user surveys and social media analysis.

The topics of the workshop include but not limited to:

information recommendation, user modeling, information visualization, social network analysis, web agent, interactive information retrieval, QA system, social data analysis, semantic Web, linked data, privacy-preserving technology, digital libraries, decision support systems, behavior analysis, entertainment computing, computer-supported collaboration, adaptive interface, creative support, e-learning.


– Dec. 1, 2017: Submission deadline
Dec. 17, 2017: Submission deadline **extended!**
– Jan. 23, 2018: Nortification of paper acceptance to authors
– Feb. 6, 2018: Camera-ready of acceptance papers
– March 11, 2018: Workshop (half-day)


We accept full papers (anonymized 10 pages, references do not count toward the page limit) and short papers (anonymized 4 pages, references do not count toward the page limit).

Anonymization: ACM IUI uses a double-blind review process. All submissions must be appropriately anonymized according to the following guidelines:

– Author’s names and affiliations are not visible anywhere in the paper.
– Acknowledgements should be anonymized or removed during the review process.
– Self-citations should be included where necessary, but must use the third person. For example, “… as shown in our previous user study [2] … ” is not allowed, whereas “… as shown in Smith et al. [2]” is acceptable (because in this case the citation [2] will NOT be perceived as self-citation).
Failure to follow these guidelines may result in submissions being rejected without review. Authors should also be aware of the SIGCHI Policy for Submission and Review at SIGCHI Conferences.

Submissions should follow the standard SigCHI format, using one of the following templates:

– Microsoft Word Template for Papers: http://st.sigchi.org/sigchi-paper-template/SIGCHIPaperFormat.docx
– LaTeX Template for Papers: https://github.com/sigchi/Document-Formats/tree/master/LaTeX
– PDF Example for Papers: https://chi2018.acm.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/SIGCHIPaperFormat.pdf

How to submit a paper:
(1) Visit the following URL and fill in a form.
Online Submission:
(2) Submit your manuscript (only PDF is acceptable) via email. Please follow an instruction written on the email you will receive after compliting step (1).


– A joint workshop proceedings will be published as a CEUR-WS volume.
– Workshops with few submissions by Dec. 17, 2017 may be cancelled, shortened, merged with other workshops, or otherwise restructured.


Yasufumi Takama (Tokyo Metropolitan University, JAPAN)
Yukiko Kawai (Kyoto Sangyo University, JAPAN)
Daisuke Kitayama (Kogakuin University, JAPAN)
Taro Sugihara (Okayama University, JAPAN)
Mitsuo Yoshida (Toyohashi University of Technology, JAPAN)


Shingo Otsuka (Kanagawa Institute of Technology, JAPAN)
Kenta Oku (Ryukoku University, JAPAN)
Ikki Ohmukai (National Institute of Informatics, JAPAN)
Munehiko Sasajima (YMP-Mundus, JAPAN)
Takehiro Yamamoto (Kyoto University, JAPAN)
Shigeaki Sakurai (Toshiba Digital Solutions, JAPAN)
Kazuaki Yamada (Toyo University, JAPAN)
Fumihiro Kato (National Institute of Informatics, JAPAN)
Tadahiko Kumamoto (Chiba Institute of Technology, JAPAN)
Harumi Murakami (Osaka City University, JAPAN)
Hitomi Saito (Aichi University of Education, JAPAN)
Risa Nishiyama (IBM, JAPAN)
Masahiro Hamasaki (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, JAPAN)
Nobuhiro Kaji (Yahoo Japan, JAPAN)
Kotaro Nakayama (The University of Tokyo, JAPAN)
Takeshi Sakaki (Hottolink, JAPAN)
Takayuki Yumoto (University of Hyogo, JAPAN)
Yusuke Fukazawa (NTT DOCOMO, JAPAN)
Kazushi Okamoto (The University of Electro-Communications, JAPAN)
Tomoki Kajinami (Okayama University of Science, JAPAN)
Yoko Nishihara (Ritsumeikan University, JAPAN)
Ryohei Hayashi (Tokai University, JAPAN)
Atsushi Matsumura (University of Tsukuba, JAPAN)
Kevin Wong (Murdoch University, Australia)
Lieu-Hen Chen (National Chi Nan University, Taiwan)